Recipe Time: Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

It’s the time of year when everyone indulges in a Cadbury Creme Egg or twelve and what better way to enjoy a few than in a freshly baked cupcake! We had a few requests to share our recipe so we thought we’d divulge. This is a pretty simple and straight forward recipe that can be customised and changed to suit any personal tastes or styles. Why not use Cadbury Caramel Eggs (or Screme Eggs at Halloween), change the colours, add chocolate chips or bright sprinkles or add delicious chopped nuts! If you can’t find Cadbury Creme Eggs we recommend using pieces of Cadbury Caramel bars, Cadbury Double Decker or Cadbury Boost bars!

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Recipe Time: Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Ingredients (this makes approximately 12 cupcakes)…

226g self-raising flour
226g granulated sugar
226g butter or Stork
100-200g cocoa powder
3-4 large eggs
12 Normal sized Cadbury Creme Eggs (though it may be fun to try 3 mini eggs inside!)
5 tablespoons hot water
1 teaspoon baking powder

(for the Buttercream)
Approx. 500g butter
Approx. 500g-700g icing sugar
1 tablespoon water
Vanilla extract
Golden yellow food colour paste
Piping bags
Piping tip or nozzle (we used the Ateco 868 tip)

To make the cake cream your butter in a mixer then add the caster sugar. Add in the flour and baking powder along with half of the eggs, make a paste with the cocoa and hot water and add, mix for around one minute. Once half of the eggs are combined add the remaining and mix for approximately 5 minutes.

Once the batter is fully mixed separate evenly into twelve cupcake cases. Fill the cases to around 2/3 full and then push in a Cadbury Creme Egg (or equally as tasty Cadbury treat)  into each batter filled case.

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Place on the top shelf of a pre-heated oven at Gas Mark 3/325F/170C. Bake for around 10-17 minutes. Baking time may differ slightly depending on your oven as the majority of ovens can be around 10-15 degrees over or under (unless you have a state of the art catering oven).

Leave to cool and in the meantime prepare your buttercream.

For the buttercream add half of the butter diced into pieces. Cream the butter in a mixer. Then gradually add icing sugar and the remaining butter (cut into cubes). Once the buttercream is of a smooth consistency add some Vanilla extract and colour paste and mix well.

Once your cupcakes have cooled bag up your buttercream and pipe generous swirls on top of them!

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes

Now you can sit back and eat as many as you like with the largest cup of tea in the world! Enjoy!

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