Christmas Day will arrive all too quickly for us at Juniper Cakery so we shall now be taking our well-earned holiday from virtually anything work related as we celebrate the festive season! This time of year is always crammed with lots of magic for us as we attempt to re-cooperate from working 7 days a week at 17 hours a day (indeed) and enjoy a birthday, Christmas festivities, Hanukkah and a sparkling New Year too!
We’ve been especially busy this season due to refurbishing our design space and our consultation room. Things are still not quite finished yet, but we did manage to get our studio Christmas tree up, decorated and twinkling with lights. So before we bid adieu to cakes, cupcakes, cookies and anything else confection-related here’s a little sneak peek at our Christmas cheer!
As the snow clouds draw in closer to the UK and the 25th quickly races around the corner we wish everyone out there a wonderful holiday season with plenty of happiness and as the age-old quote says… eat, drink and be merry!